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Deep Learning Proof of Concept

Proof of concept is unlike the usual product development cycle. It’s open ended and exploratory. And there may not be any spec sheet either. Exactly the kind of thing we revel in.

No bureaucratic delay

Actioning an idea can’t take forever. PoC is all about thinking on your feet. Unlike large tech vendors who take months for sign off and set-up, we take a couple of days.

No more ‘one at a time’

If fail fast is a necessity, PoCs can’t be sequential. Run PoCs in parallel. Run it transparent.

Flexible pricing

Price it the way it fits you. Fixed bid? Time and material? Or even hybrid. Stop getting billed for aimless explorations.

Scale it when you like it

A successful PoC doesn’t mean you go vendor hunting for a full scale implementation. Our extended resource bandwidth helps you scale instantly.

Polyglot teams

Team players with expertise across OS, back end, and front end technologies. We can be a great partner for all your exploratory needs. Be it software or technology of any sort. A one stop expertise structure.